
  • Radiology residents
  • Board-certified radiologists
  • Residents and board-certified specialists outside of radiology working in the emergency room or on neurological/neurosurgical wards
  • Medical students
  • 70 Lessons

    Copy of Herz-CT Level I (Anatomie & Befundung)

    Die Herz-CT wird endlich Kassenleistung – und Du möchtest jetzt endlich lernen, wie man ein Herz-CT bei V.a. KHK analysiert, interpretiert und befundet? Du bist…
  • 3 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology for Students – Complete Bundle

    Are you in medical school and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards for Students are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology for Students – Contrast Media and Radiation Protection

    Are you in medical school and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards for Students are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology for Students – Medical Imaging and Informatics

    Are you in medical school and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards for Students are just right for you!

  • 9 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – Complete Bundle

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – Contrast Media in Radiology

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – CT and Angiography

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – MRI Part 1

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – MRI Part 2

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – Radiation Protection

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – Sonography and Informatics

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – X-Ray Part 1

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 2 Lessons

    Go!Cards Technology – X-Ray Part 2

    Are you preparing for the Radiology Board Examination and looking for consolidated, up-to-date knowledge on technical topics in radiology? Do you have to gather knowledge from a mix of sometimes very old and technically outdated books, and still feel you don't get it? Do you want to quickly and to the point review and test the most important facts before the exam to see where your knowledge stands?

    Then our Go!Cards are just right for you!

  • 1 Lesson

    LernRad Go!Cards – Strahlenschutz für Fachärzt*innen (Englisch)

    Du hast die Facharztprüfung Radiologie erfolgreich bestanden und möchtest für Dich selbst oder in neuer Funktion als Strahlenschutzverantwortlicher oder -beauftragter das aktuelle Wissen zum Thema Strahlenschutz wiederholen? Du möchtest im klinischen Alltag Strahlenschutzmaßnahmen…
  • 11 Lessons

    Preview Cases

    Here you can find all free preview lessons of the Cases and Cases Special:

    • Cases: Emergency Neuroradiology (Head)
    • Cases Special: Emergency Neuroradiology (Head)